Use a Dedicated Email Address to Collect and Forward Inquiries to ShowMojo

Note: ShowMojo Automatically Responds to Listing Site Inquiries for any inquiries captured through ShowMojo syndication activities. This article pertains only to Forwarding Leads from Listing Sites and Other Sources to ShowMojo.

ShowMojo can accept inquiries forwarded from multiple email addresses. However, ShowMojo strongly recommends dedicating a separate email address (example: to handle all incoming leasing inquiries. This industry best practice makes it easy to manage and direct all your inbound listing site inquiries.

ShowMojo recommends strongly against forwarding an all-purpose email account to your ShowMojo Auto-Reply Email Address. When this is done, there is a lot of extra and unnecessary email that hits ShowMojo and needs to be filtered out. This both slows down inquiry processing and sometimes creates unintended and unwanted consequences -- such as ShowMojo processing and auto-replying to to emails that are not inquiries from prospective renters.

Just to be overly clear, even dedicating an email address to leasing-only activities won't stop every single non-inquiry from slipping through. And ShowMojo does actively screen all incoming inquiries in an attempt to catch those and not send an auto-reply.

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