Transition All Listings from Another Source System to ShowMojo

Want to get your listings into ShowMojo, but then leave that your Listing Import Source system behind? You can use ShowMojo to import all your listings from your current source system, and then manage them directly within ShowMojo.

This can be a time-intensive process, so we strongly recommend you review these instructions first, and plan for a time to complete the activities Step 2:

  • When you can work without significant interruption.
  • At the beginning of a slower activity period for prospects, such as early morning, nighttime, or a weekend or holiday.

If you are already importing listings from the source system into ShowMojo, then please skip directly to Step 2.

Step 1: Perform a Test Import

Using one or more listings that are on-market in the source system, you'll perform a test to confirm everything works correctly.

Before you begin, ensure you and ShowMojo are ready to handle the imported listings. That should mean any of the following:

  • You are already using ShowMojo for scheduling and can ensure the newly imported listings are set correctly after they are imported.
  • You aren't yet live with ShowMojo, so imported listings won't be marketed or syndicated.
  • In any other case, you intend to immediately take the imported listings off-market in ShowMojo. 

When you are ready to proceed:

  1. Ensure you have one or more test listings on-market (or active) in the source system. If you are actively marketing listings in the source system, this will already be the case.
  2. In ShowMojo, go to the Add a Listing Importer section on the Import Settings page. Add and configure the new importer for your source system. The importer should start automatically.
  3. Go to the ShowMojo Dashboard. You should see the imported listings appearing as on-market. Initially, listings may appear without photos -- the photos will follow. Click Edit on several listings to review the imported listing data and confirm it is correct.
  4. Watch the status of the importer by refreshing the Import Settings page. It is complete when you see the Update immediately link reappear. 
  5. Once the import is complete, confirm all listings that should have been imported were imported.
  6. Complete any action necessary on the imported listings. This may be assigning the listings to calendars, taking them off-market, or something else.

If you were able to complete all the above steps successfully, then you are ready to move on with the transition of all of your listings from the source system to ShowMojo.

Step 2: Perform the Real Import

Be sure to read completely through this section before completing it. And be sure, as stated above, to give yourself ample time for this activity.

Additionally, if the following is true:

  • You already have on-market listings in ShowMojo previously imported from the source system.
  • There are upcoming showings scheduled for those listings.

Then, as a safety measure, go to the Off-Market Listing Automation section on the Import Settings page and set ShowMojo so it "will not" automatically cancel all upcoming showings when a listing is taken off the market.

When you are ready to proceed with the listings transfer:

  1. Take note off all listings in the source system that are currently on-market (or active) that you want to remain on-market when you have completed the import into ShowMojo. You might do this by screenshot, printed page, or some other means.
  2. In the source system, put on-market (or make active) every listing you want to transition to ShowMojo.
  3. On the Import Settings page, locate the importer for the source system and click Update immediately. You can monitor listings being imported from the ShowMojo Dashboard.
  4. Periodically refresh the Import Settings page until you see the Update immediately link reappear. This will mean the import process is complete.
  5. Review the listings on your ShowMojo account and confirm all listings have been imported. Photos might be missing, as the photo import activity can happen independently of the listings themselves, especially on a large import. ShowMojo will complete the photo imports in time.
  6. Go back to the source system and take off market (or make inactive) all listings that should not be on the market in ShowMojo.
  7. On the Import Settings page, click Update immediately and wait for the import process to complete.
  8. Check your email. ShowMojo likely sent you an email to confirm the off-market activity. If that's the case, then review the list of listings to go off market and approve.
  9. On the Import Settings page, disable and remove the importer
  10. Take everything else off the market (or make it inactive) in the source system.
  11. Finally, Confirm ShowMojo Listing Syndication Is Enabled.

And congratulations.

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