Cross-Marketing Location, Rent and Bedrooms

Feature Overview

ShowMojo cross-markets only your listings to the prospects you have made contact with -- not listings from anyone else.

Cross-marketing occurs after a showing is scheduled, when you have new listings on the market, when you reduce rent, and when you take existing listings off the market. These are prospect-nurturing best practices that most companies simply don't have time for. ShowMojo does them for you, automatically.

ShowMojo even provides some automated filtering. For example, ShowMojo will take pet profile into account and not cross-market listings to prospects where it knows the listing's pet profile does not match the prospect's pet needs.

Updating the Settings

ShowMojo uses reasonable defaults for other factors, such as location, rent, and number of bedrooms. Of course, you know your market best. You can adjust these ranges in the Other Places You Might Like section on the Gallery and Branding Settings page.

Please be mindful that these ranges should not be too large. Over-estimating what prospects are willing to consider can result in reduced effectiveness and even complaints.

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