Send All PMW / FreeRentalSite Inquires to ShowMojo

First, Locate Your ShowMojo PHONE Number and Auto-Reply Email Address.

Next, log in to PMW / FreeRentalSite. 

PMW / FreeRentalSite, you will need to either create a new agent. To do this:

  1. Click "Add Agent"
  2. Create the new agent with your ShowMojo email auto-reply address and your ShowMojo PHONE number.

Then, for each existing property:

  1. Click Properties Contact
  2. Click Contact Information
  3. In the agent selector, enter the ShowMojo agent name and the ShowMojo email auto-reply address and your ShowMojo PHONE number will automatically be added to the property.
  4. Click Save.

In the future, as you create new properties, please be sure to use the ShowMojo agent so that PMW / FreeRentalSite auto-fills your ShowMojo email auto-reply address and ShowMojo PHONE number.

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