Auto-Pay by Checking Account (ACH)

ShowMojo does auto-bill directly from the checking accounts for some of our customers. The entire billing process looks similar to the credit card billing process, except that ShowMojo auto-drafts from your checking account. 

Think of this as a closed beta feature -- since we don't advertise that we do this today. ShowMojo has been auto-drafting from customer accounts since spring, 2016. We do believe we can connect and auto-draft from any US bank, but there is no guarantee.

To move forward with an auto-draft setup, please Contact ShowMojo Support and provide the following information:

  • Account holder name
  • Business account or personal account
  • Routing number (always 9-digits)
  • Account number

ShowMojo support will begin the connection process and get back to you with next steps. Please note that this process can take a week or more to complete. 

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