Definitions of Commonly Used Fields in Reports

Note that these fields exclude leads or showings related to listings deleted from the account. They also exclude text-to-access activities.

Recent Showing Activity

Here are the definitions of fields (or columns) that are commonly used in ShowMojo reports:

  • Collected leads: The total number of captured inquiries during the date range for which the report covers.
  • Scheduled showings: The total number of leads that scheduled (or rescheduled) a showing during the date range for which the report covers. Note: this number is based on the time of scheduling and not the time of the showing -- it will almost certainly include showtimes scheduled to occur outside of the date range.
  • Conducted showings: The total number of showings conducted during the date range. This metric is showtime-based -- time of scheduling has no impact. Canceled showings and showings identified as no shows are not included. This number may change slightly over time as no-shows are accounted for.
  • Upcoming showings: The total number of showings scheduled to occur after a given date. For reports run based on a date range, this is the number of upcoming showings after the end of the date range. This metric is showtime-based -- time of scheduling has no impact. Canceled showings are not included in this metric. Finally: this number is not a "fixed" metric. It will change as the same report is run further in the future (as existing showings are canceled and new showings are scheduled).

Lead Funnel Analysis

Here are definitions for fields used in the Heat Map and Listing Performance reports. These reports perform a funnel analysis. That is, all fields filter down from the same data set. Actual showings are a subset of leads scheduled. And leads scheduled are a subset of leads. The fields are:

  • Leads: The total number of captured inquiries during the date range for which the report covers.
  • Leads scheduled (formerly scheduled showings): The total number of captured inquiries during the report date range that also scheduled a showing.
  • Actual showings:  The total number of captured inquiries during the report date range that scheduled a showing and have not been canceled nor identified as a no show.

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