First, Locate Your ShowMojo PHONE Number and Auto-Reply Email Address.
Then, log in your Zillow account and for each Active, Draft, and Expired listing:
- Click on the listing.
- In the Contact Information section click Edit.
- Update the email address field to your ShowMojo email auto-reply address.
- Update the phone number field to your ShowMojo PHONE number.
- Click Continue.
In the future, as you create new listings, please confirm that Zillow auto-fills your ShowMojo email auto-reply address and ShowMojo PHONE number. If Zillow does not do this, be sure to update these fields.
Additionally, your team can minimize manual input and no longer post listings to Zillow Rental Manager. Instead you can utilize ShowMojo's automatic syndication to post your listings to Zillow. We provide instructions in our article about Configuring Syndication With Paid Services.