Forward an Office Number to ShowMojo PHONE

We strongly recommend using your ShowMojo PHONE number on all your marketing (including listing syndication, For Rent signs, etc.). This is a leasing best practice, where you centralize all your incoming calls into one point. By doing this, you can provide the optimal response for prospective renters and the most efficient response for your business.

Nonetheless, for a variety of reasons, you might need (or choose) to have some leasing calls come in through another number. For example, it could be inevitable that some incoming leasing calls will come in through an office main line. 

Those errant calls can be easily forwarded to ShowMojo PHONE, using whatever phone tree and forwarding system you might have in place.

However, be certain to include the original caller id when forwarding calls to ShowMojo or you will encounter an issues where Leads Have Your Office Phone Number and Callers Press 1 but Do Not Get a Text Message‍. Some phone systems, by default, do not retain the original caller id when forwarding calls. To make this update, you might need to check your phone system documentation or call your provider for assistance.

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