Leads Have Your Office Phone Number or Callers Press 1 but Do Not Get a Text Message

At present, we are aware of only one way this can happen. You are Forwarding an Office Number to ShowMojo PHONE but somehow the original caller id is not being included on those calls.

This is something that you will need to correct in your phone system. Many phone systems have an explicit setting regarding forwarded calls and whether or not to use the original caller id.

If you cannot correct this quickly, there is a change that can be made to your account to force all incoming callers to enter their phone number. There are some real inefficiencies about this fix:

  • It will apply to all callers, including those who call ShowMojo PHONE and Live Answer.
  • This means extra work for some callers and the possibility of "fat fingered" phone numbers.
  • This could result in slightly reduced scheduling.

So we recommend this as a short-term fix only, until you can get caller ids forwarded through your phone system.

To have this short term fix added, please Contact ShowMojo Support.

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