Send All Propertyware Inquiries to ShowMojo

First, Locate Your ShowMojo PHONE Number and Auto-Reply Email Address.

Then, log into Propertyware, and:

  1. Click Setup.
  2. Click Customize or Administration Setup (depending on your version of Propertyware).
  3. Click Manage Users.
  4. Create a new User Profile for ShowMojo. On the user setup page, you will need to set the user as a Leasing Agent role and include your ShowMojo auto-reply email address in the Reply To Email field and your ShowMojo PHONE number in the Work Phone field.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Marketing Module.
  7. Click Listings.
  8. Add the ShowMojo user as the Primary Listing Agent on all existing listings.

Moving forward, when creating a new listing in Propertyware, be sure to add the ShowMojo user as the Primary Listing Agent.

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