Live Answer Calls Summary Report Column Definitions

Total: All calls answered by the live answer service during the report period.

Showings scheduled: Calls that resulted in scheduled showings during the report period.

Declined showings: Of all showings scheduled during the report period, this is the number of showings that were declined because the prospect (1) never completed the screening questionnaire if required, (2) never submitted a document if required, or (3) completed the screening questionnaire and did not meet the requirements.

Sent a scheduling link: Calls where the prospect did not schedule but asked to be sent a link to schedule for a specific listings.

Sent a listing gallery link: Calls where the prospect did not identify a specific listing during the call be asked to be sent a link to all available listings on the account.

Subsequently scheduled showings: Of all sent a scheduling link and sent a listing gallery link calls during the report period, this is the number of showings that were scheduled based on those links.

Calls transferred: Calls where the prospect requested to be transferred to another phone number during the report period. This is a Live Answer Premium feature.

Sent a question: Calls that resulted in a question being sent on the prospects behalf during the report period.

Sent an application criteria: Calls where a prospect requested to be sent a link about application criteria during the report period.

Sent upcoming showings: Calls where the prospect already had a schedule showing and requested information on that showing.

Sent contact later link: Calls where the prospect would have scheduled a showing but the listing had no current availability, so the prospect requested to be contacted later (and ShowMojo will automatically follow up on this request).

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