Firmware Upgrade for MojoAccess Devices

MojoAccess devices (excluding the original MojoLock and MojoLock G2) are firmware upgradable. An upgrade may enable new features or enhance the security of the device.

Perform a Firmware Upgrade

Upgrading is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the ShowMojo Mobile App within six feet of the MojoAccess device you want to access.
  2. Locate the device in the app and click on it to open the device screen.
  3. Look for the Upgrade Firmware link near the bottom of the device screen.
  4. Click on that link to continue through the upgrade process.
  5. Do not switch apps or turn off your phone during the upgrade.


The only known (and rare) issue associated is the Firmware Upgrade Stuck at x% issue.

If your MojoBox or MojoLock firmware upgrade is stuck and the keypad is unresponsive, here are the steps you can take to restart the upgrade process:

  1. Take out all the batteries.
  2. For MojoLock devices, pull out the control wire and reconnect it.
  3. Put in new alkaline batteries.
  4. In the mobile app, log out and then log back in.
  5. Locate the device in the mobile app.
  6. Click the Upgrade Firmware link again.
  7. The upgrade should now continue from x% to 100% and end in a Success message.

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