Automate Showing Notification and Listing Report in AppFolio Stack Integration

Get Started

Automating Showing Notification and Listing Activity Report in ShowMojo is available in the Listing Import Settings page under the AppFolio Full Integration Import section. So you'll start this activity there.

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Set the setting ShowMojo [will/will not] automatically enable listing activity reports so that owners receive them regularly to will. This will automatically enable Listing Activity Report feature. Owner email addresses in AppFolio are automatically imported.
  3. Set the setting ShowMojo [will/will not] automatically send showing notifications to current tenant to will. This will automatically enable Showing Notification for occupied listings and email addresses of tenants and owners are automatically imported.

Note: If you need to configure the feature on a specific listing, head over to the feature section and set the setting "This listing is imported from [Import_Source] and ShowMojo [will/will not] automatically override the settings below according to the imported data." to will not.

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