How a Prospect Might Have Scheduled a Showing without Valid Answers to All Screening Questions

Prospects don't simply "sneak" through screening question restrictors.

The answer to this question depends upon the specific case.

  1. If the prospect completed the screening questionnaire, but bypassed one or more restrictors, see our article on: How Can a Prospect Bypass a Screening Question Restrictor.
  2. If the prospect completed the screening questionnaire, but didn't need to provide a drivers license or credit card, it is important to remember that ShowMojo remembers a prospect's credit card (system-wide) or drivers license (just your account) for 30 days. The likely answer might be that the drivers license or credit card was already validated during an earlier showing.
  3. If the prospect was able to see the listing without completing the screening questionnaire, this is only possible if the showing was scheduled from the ShowMojo Dashboard or via ShowMojo's Live Answer service. This specific behavior can be configured on the Schedule Settings page. Just scroll down to the Additional Settings section and look for the setting that starts with "When a showing is scheduled by any team member".

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