Alert "Not in Setting Mode" When Setting Up a New MojoLock

If you encounter the "Not in Setting Mode" alert trying to add a new MojoLock to your account, follow these steps to correct the issue:

  1. Repeat the process to add the lock, but make sure you are quick to press a button on the MojoLock keypad then press the Add (+) button in the ShowMojo Mobile App. The lock is in setup mode for a limited duration, and it can fall out of setup mode if too many seconds pass between the keypad press and the add action.
  2. If the first step does not work, delete the ShowMojo app from your phone and reinstall it. This will ensure you have the latest version of the app on your phone. Then repeat the actions in step 1.
  3. If you still receive the same error, Contact ShowMojo Support‍ for additional steps.

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