Merging Duplicate (and non-Duplicate) Listings

ShowMojo has a listing merge feature that is easily accessible from the Listings page. Just click on the Merge button in the upper right.

This feature will remove a source listing (the upper listing field) from the account and merge all of its data into a "receiving" listing (the lower listing field).

The merge transfer includes the following data:

  • Leads and showings.
  • All listing metrics.
  • All pointers (such as schedule-a-showing links) to the source listing.
  • Listing Import Source references (such as Bulidium, Rent Manager or PMW) except when the receiving listing already has a reference to the same Listing Import Source system. (For example: if the receiving listing already has a Propertyware identifier it will NOT be replaced by a Propetyware identifier from the source listing.)

When merging listings that were imported from a third party source system, but sure to review the Merging Listings from Active Import Sources article.

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