Use Custom Details on Imported Listings to Auto-Assign Regional Calendars and Listing Groups

ShowMojo can be used to assign listings to Regional Calendars and Listing Groups directly from your property management software (or any other Listing Import Source).

This is done by adding custom details (or amenities or features) to an imported listing. No rules need to be added for this feature in ShowMojo. 

Please note that the auto-assignment only takes place on the initial import of the listing. The assignment cannot be updated later using this feature.

Assigning to Calendars

Listing-to-calendar assignments are made automatically based on two conditions:

  1. A detail on an imported listing (set in the source system) that starts with the word "Zone".
  2. A calendar name on the account (in ShowMojo) that matches the text of the detail. This will work even if the calendar name does not start with word "Zone".

For example, a detail such as "Zone Near North" would automatically match and assign a listing to calendars named "Near North" or "Zone Near North".

Assigning to Listing Groups

Similarly, listing-to-listing-group assignments are made automatically based on these two conditions:

  1. A detail on an imported listing (set in the source system) that starts with the word "Group".
  2. A listing group on the account that matches the text of the detail. This will work even if the listing group name does not start with word "Group".

For example, a detail such as "Group Multi-Family" would automatically match and assign a listing to the listing groups named "Multi-Family" or "Group Multi-Family".

Final Notes

After making the assignment, ShowMojo does not include the detail on the listing itself.

This feature works with any Import Source System that allows the use of custom details.

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