Listing groups provide a simple and flexible way to collect and track your listings – especially when you have a lot of them.
Add, Rename and Delete Listing Groups
Listing groups can be added on a listing-by-listing basis in the Listing Options section on each individual Listings page.
Listings groups can be renamed and deleted on the Listings Settings page.
Automated Assignment
Listing groups can be automatically assigned to imported listings. For more on this, see:
- Automatically Assign Imported Listings to the Correct Calendars, Showing Agents and Listing Groups.
- Use Custom Details on Imported Listings to Auto-Assign Regional Calendars and Listing Groups
- Assign Listings Directly to a Calendar or Listing Group Based on the Import Source
Powerful Scheduling
On the Calendar page, listing groups are available as options anywhere a listing or property can be selected.
Listing groups are most helpful for those using the Standard Calendar Type and for showing agents who update their calendars frequently. Listing groups provide a labeled cluster of listings that can be easily added to and removed from calendars and show windows as required.
Dynamic Screening Questionnaires
Listing group can enable or disable Conditional Screening Questions.
Targeted Reporting
Listing groups are available for filtering on most Reports. On any report that supports listing groups, just select the desired listing group from the appropriate dropdown.
Group-Specific Listing Galleries
That's right. You can even Create a Listing Gallery Specific to a Listing Group.