Create a Pre-Showing Questionnaire with Pre-Set and Custom Screening Questions

Pre-showing questionnaires are used by nearly every ShowMojo customer, whether simply to gather helpful information or to actively screen out prospects who won't meet the application criteria.

Setting up the first screening questionnaire (or even a new questionnaire) is very simple. Just locate the Pre-Showing Questionnaire section on the Showing Qualification Settings page. Adding questions is easy.

Determining what questions you really should add can be a different matter entirely.

A Quick Overview

At their most basic, screening questions come in four flavors: optional, required, office only, restrictor. Restrictors keep unqualified prospects from scheduling showings. Hopefully the other three flavors are pretty self-explanatory.

Screening questions can be added to ask almost anything. To get a good sense of this just read the names on the buttons and the descriptions that appear when you add each question. 

You can add as many questions as you like, but we caution against adding more than four required questions. 

Some Quick Recommendations

The two questions we most immediately recommend to just about everyone are the Ask about Move-In Date and Ask About Pets questions.

When it comes to restrictors (or even overly strong language in screening questions) keep in mind that not every showing needs to be a perfect candidate. If you are using ShowMojo to group or cluster your showings together (you should be) then having a minority of questionable candidates in the mix can be a better option than unintentionally dissuading a credible candidate from coming to see the place.

For More Information and Next Steps

If you plan to add more than three or four basic screening questions, then we strongly recommend you review our Best Practices for the Pre-Showing Questionnaire article.

If you are very interested in restricting showings to only qualified prospects, then read our Screening Question Restrictors Feature Overview to get the details on how those work.

If some of your listings have separate or special requirements, you can either use Conditional Screening Questions‍ or Assign A Screening Questionnaire On A Listing-By-Listing Basis.

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