Remove an Unwanted Credit Card or Document Verification Question

If you have a listing with a Credit Card Validation question or a Drivers License Verification question -- and you don't want that question asked on the schedule-a-showng page, there are two places to check and remove the question.

First, check the listing.

  1. Go to the Listings page and select the specific lising.
  2. Scroll down to the Listings Options section and click Edit.
  3. Locate the Lockbox code distribution settings.
  4. Inside the lockbox code distribution settings, look for the option to automatically add a screening question for lockbox showings and ensure it is set to No additional screening question.

Second, check the screening questionnaire.

  1. While you are still on the Listings page, looking at the Listing Options section, take note of the screening questionnaire that the listing is using.
  2. Go to the Showing Qualification Settings and go to the Pre-Showing Questionnaire section.
  3. If there is more than one questionnaire, then click Edit on the one corresponding to the listing.
  4. Look for and remove any unwanted document verification or credit card questions. Note: this will remove the question for any listing using the questionnaire.

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