Automated Listing Import Frequency and Running an Immediate Listing Import

ShowMojo regularly and automatically imports listings from any Listing Import Source configured on an account. During each import:

  • Newly on-market listings are identified and imported.
  • Updates are made to existing imported listings.
  • Off-market automation activities are completed.

Timing of Imports

ShowMojo typically imports listings every four hours. The following importers run more often:

  • Rent Manger imports every two hours.
  • Custom Trulia feeds import every hour.

The exact timing of imports can vary, and is based on a few factors, including:

  1. ShowMojo has many "jobs" running in the background at different levels of priority (including many other import jobs) and job times can shift somewhat based on the priority and size of other jobs.
  2. Listing source systems have their own variations in load and availability, so these variables can impact the timing of ShowMojo jobs.
  3. ShowMojo's import jobs are based on universal time, so they may shift based on daylight savings time changes.

Basically, the dynamic nature of these import jobs makes it difficult to provide an exact time when they run.

Run an Immediate Import

If an immediate listing import is required, this can be requested on the Listing Import Settings page. Just identify the section related to the specific importer and click Update Immediately.

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