Get Started with MojoLock

So you just got your first MojoLock. This article will give you everything you need to get up and running.

1. Be Sure to Understand the Self-Show Paradigm

This assumes you'll be using the MojoLocks to conduct prospect self-showings. If you'll only be using MojoLocks for resident access, you can skip this section.

When everything is configured correctly there will be no phone calls to answer, no emails to respond to, and no codes to manually pull and give to prospects. ShowMojo automates all of this. The only manual activity you need to consider is the timely approval of documents if you choose to use Document Verification.

Taking your time now makes it much less likely you will find yourself standing in front of a listing troubleshooting an issue. So please just continue on with this article.

2. Install and Get Comfortable with the MojoLock

First thing to do is Install the MojoLock and Add It to Your Account.

Next, we recommend you Complete a MojoLock Hardware and System Test‍ to confirm everything is working correctly. This will also familiarize you with the basic workings of the device.

3. Review and Configure How to Use ShowMojo with MojoLock

First, you will want to learn how to Add a MojoLock to a Listing.

We would also recommend reviewing how to generate MojoLock Access Codes and Other Access Options for residents, vendors and staff.

If all the options for digital access are not obvious to you, you can consult the Options Available for Prospect Self Showings and Digital Access Devices article to get a more in-depth explanation of each.

Next, you might consider Configuring Lockbox and Smartlock Defaults for All New Listings just so you don't need to update so many configurations on each new listing.

Then, if you are using Multi-User or Lead Claim, you'll want to review and potentially update your Digital Access Device Showing Assignment Behavior setting.

Finally, if security is your paramount concern for self-showings, you might configure Extra Security and Notification When a Prospect Accesses a Digital Access Device.

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