Are you changing property management systems? Or have you been entering your listings in ShowMojo and want to begin pulling those listings from another Listing Import Source that you already maintain? Either way, you are in the right place.
This can be a time-intensive process, so we strongly recommend you review these instructions first, and plan for a time to complete the activities in both Step 1 and Step 2:
- When you can work without significant interruption.
- At the beginning of a slower activity period for prospects, such as early morning, nighttime, or a weekend or holiday.
Step 1: Ensure Your ShowMojo Contact Details Are in the Right System
Locate your new Import Source System in our Configure All Third-Party Systems for ShowMojo article and read up on what to do.
There is one exception to the instruction above: if you are using Propertyware or Buildium in tandem with Property Management Websites (PMW) then you should continue to maintain your ShowMojo PHONE Number and Auto-Reply Email Address listing contact information updates (as you have been) in Propertyware or Buildium.
Baring some exceptional case (the only exceptional case we can think of is when the new system is already syndicating your listings) you will want to complete all the third-party system activities for the new system (here in Step 1) prior to completing Step 2.
Step 2: The Transition
When you are ready to make the switch, start by disconnecting the old import system (if you have one):
- Go to your Import Settings page and locate your current importer (the system you what to shut off).
- Click Remove on the importer. (Note that this won't do any harm to your on-market listings, and this importer can be added back, but you are now making a small commitment to continue. So be sure to have completed Step 1 first.)
Then proceed with adding the new import system:
- Locate the Add a Listing Importer section and select the importer you want to add.
- Locate the new importer section and configure your new importer.
- If, after you've configured the new importer, it does not run automatically, click Update Immediately.
- Give the importer a few minutes to run. You will know it is done when the Update Immediately link becomes available again.
- Go to the Dashboard. Click Expand Listings on the left.
- ShowMojo will have tried to correctly match the addresses from your old import source to the new import source. However, it's possible that some duplicate listings were created. Look for any duplicate listings.
- For each duplicate listing you find, click on the new listing (the one with no lead or showing metrics) and when viewing that listing on the Listings page, click the Merge button. Merge the old listing into the new listing.
- Repeat step 7 until all duplicates are removed.
That's it.
You'll want to watch your lead and showing activity for the next few days, just to confirm that your average volume of leads and showings has not changed.